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Blue Goose Glen Farm

Border Leicester Sheep

                    Blue Goose Glen Farm was founded in 1995 at the marriage of Perry and Glenda Burrows when we relocated to the community of Blue Goose, Tennessee.  The glens that rested between the rolling hills were impressive and, of course, the term 'glen' represented in my bride's given name --- Blue Goose Glen was the only farm name option!



        Even though we still had sheep of other breeds in 1995, including champions of other breeds, the multi-purpose Border Leicester was becoming our dominant focus and breed of choice by that time.

                Coyotes and stray, wild dogs populated the area, but our Great Pyrenees companion-guard dogs quickly remedied that problem for us as well as our elderly widow neighbors and became our gentle giant canine companions.



 We came to realize that our sheep, wool, equipment, products, and Great Pyrenees (which we breed on a very select basis), was a nice income stream for a couple of school teachers --- and Glenda needed to "retire" early from her years with the little ones.

    We offer numerous services to our friends that include:


Blue Goose Glen Farm’s

Border Leicesters


From our collection of Australian-sired ewes:



An indication of our high-luster fleeces on our ewes:


Australian-sired lambs, 50%: